Wednesday, August 22, 2007

NASDAQ On-Board With PWC/PWH Concepts

Veritec introduces PhoneCodes(C) that allow consumers to buy and receive tickets, as well as gift(s), or customer-loyalty rewards via an electronic media concept/process using Veritec's 2-D barcode technology Image Credit: Veritec

NASDAQ On-Board With PWC/PWH Concepts

The world of cellphone based symbology has now made inroads on to the pages of one of the leading investment market websites with a news posting about Veritec, Inc. and the announcement on the acceptance of its 2-D Physical World Connection/Physical World Hyperlink solutions.

The posting was generated by a company, Knobias, that acts as a kind of “BusinessWire” for niche market investment players commonly found in new technology environments.

PhoneCodes(C) are displayed on the screen of the consumer’s cellphone and scanned by a specialized reader optimized to read cellphone display screens. Image Credit: Veritec

This description of Knobias (contributor to NASDAQ) -

Knobias, Inc. (otcbb: KNBS)

Pronounced "no-b-s", provides a wide range of financial information solutions for all sides of the U.S. stock market.

Knobias combines proprietary content & technology into efficient platforms for the consolidation, distribution & targeted presentation of investment decision information for customers & affiliates.

Knobias platforms provide news, filings, fundamentals, transaction databases, calendars, research, tools & analysis for all U.S. equities with a special emphasis on small-caps.

Knobias customers include retail investors, day-traders, buy-side & sell-side professionals, public issuers, financial websites & financial content providers.

Reference Here>>

CouponCode(C) allows the consumer to redeem discounts or accrue loyalty points in the time of a quick scan. Image Credit: Veritec

Excerpted from NASDAQ News -

VRTC: Launches New Product Named PhoneCodes
By Jay Everitt, Knobias - August 21, 2007

Veritec, Inc., (VRTC) announced Veritec's launch of a revolutionary new products named PhoneCodes(C) that allow consumers to buy and receive tickets, as well as gift(s), or customer-loyalty rewards via an electronic media using Veritec's 2-D barcode technology.

The Saint Paul (MN) Saints baseball club and their ticket processing company, Glitner Corporation (NY), in conjunction with Veritec, Inc., has become the first organization to employ the new technology.

TicketCode(C) on cellphone display - Image Credit: Veritec

Veritec's new TicketCode(C) (a 2-dimensional bar code) allows cell phone owners to purchase an event ticket and have the ticket (TicketCode(C)) sent to their cell phone. The day of the event the gate attendant will scan the TicketCode(C) from the cell phone, validate its authenticity and admit the patron once validated.
"There are very few things we don't allow into Midway Stadium," said Saints President Mike Veeck. "The wave and neckties come to mind. No tickets? This is a very cool technology and will revolutionize how we do business." Veeck continued.

To name only a few of it's many other uses, the Veritec's 2-D Barcode, PhoneCodes(C), not only work for the distribution of tickets (TicketCode(C)) but can be used to send gift certificates, GiftCode(C), for birthday, anniversary, graduation, or whatever else, as well as coupons, CouponCode(C), for customer loyalty rewards such as two-meals-for-the-price-of-one at restaurants, discounts on purchases exceeding a certain dollar value at retail stores, and as a receipt when purchasing products over the Internet, a ReceiptCode(C) can be sent to the customer's cell phone as proof of purchase.
Reference Here>>

All of the power of automated symbology in the palm of one's hand ... and now even NASDAQ is on board!

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