Friday, November 04, 2011

Peter Shankman Delivers Keynote To Open BlogWorld In L.A.

Peter Shankman gives away a 2 month Premium account trial on HARO during his Keynote speech to open #bwela. All one has to do is logon to VOCUS HARO - as in Help A Reporter Out, and type in 2moadv56737 ... and you are HARO'd [ctrl-click image to hear Keynote presentation]. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2011)

Peter Shankman Delivers Keynote To Open BlogWorld In L.A.

If you missed the opening day at BlogWorld L.A., Peter Shankman shared critical insights to New Media operatives about the importance of relevance with one's audience.

It make no difference if one is producing a blog, is a small business reaching out to customers on the internet through social media strategies, or just plain marketing products directly on the internet, being relevant to the needs and expectations to the target of one's internet effort is essential.

Peter Shankman gives entertaining Keynote speech to open #bwela. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2011)

Here is a link to an audio clip of the full keynote presentation (running time, 1 hour) including a lengthy introduction to BlogWorld & New Media Expo in Los Angeles by co-founder Rick Calvert (about 9 minutes) from the standing-room-only keynote hall.

BlogWorld & New Media Expo in Los Angeles (at the L.A. Convention Center) will be running for two more days - November 4 and 5, 2011.

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