Saturday, December 15, 2018

New Combustion Technology May Change Transportation Landscape To Remain Timeless

Timeless Machine - The new 911 (as unvieled at the 2018 AutoMobility LA - LA Auto Show Press Days) is the sum of its predecessors – and is therefore a reflection of the past and a vision of the future. The silhouette: iconic. The design: timeless. The technology: inspired by great racing victories and always one step ahead. With the eighth generation of the 911, we’re driving into the future. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

New Combustion Technology May Change Transportation Landscape To Remain Timeless

A German startup says it has the technology to give internal combustion engines a reprieve in the face of the headlong drive of government support and increased regulations, favoring electric power, to move this robust technology off the menu of options for powering transportation.

Wendelin Wiedeking, the former chief executive officer of Porsche AG, credited with reviving the iconic German sports-car maker, is a most recognizable shareholder of MWI Micro Wave Ignition AG - operative words, Micro Wave Ignition (videos).

The technology represents a microwave-based Combustion Ignition Method that can be used in all combustion-powered engines operated with liquid or gaseous fuels. Diesel, kerosene, alcohol, gasoline fuels, as well as regenerative fuels such as E-fuel and Blue Diesel are candidates. The MWI combustion ignition method technology can be relied upon to meet the latest interior engine specifications for fuel efficiency and pollutant reduction. One great advantage of the MWI technology is that legacy engine designs do not need to be modified, and that the ignition system merely needs to be replaced. Image & Caption Credit: MWI Micro Wave Ignition AG

This excerpted and edited from Yahoo News via Bloomberg -

Ex-Porsche CEO Aims to Save Combustion Engine From Scrapheap

Using pulsed microwaves to ignite fuel rather than spark plugs or glow plugs, the engineers behind MWI Micro Wave Ignition AG say they can cut consumption of gasoline and diesel by as much as 30 percent, and emissions by as much as 80 percent, because the fuel burns at a lower temperature.

The company, based in the small Black Forest town of Empfingen, has mandated Macquarie Capital to look for a buyer and international partner that can help to promote the new system and increase MWI’s financial firepower, according to people familiar with the matter. Rumor further asserts that the company has begun talks with some large automakers from South Korea and China - MWI declined to comment.

Wiedeking and a group of other private investors own about 20 percent of MWI, which is controlled by its founders, Armin and Volker Gallatz.

“I am convinced that MWI is a disruptive innovation with a huge market potential,” Wiedeking was cited as saying in a document shared by MWI.

More efficient engine technology could keep traditional cars on the road for longer, shoring up industry profits as auto makers spend heavily to ramp up production of electric vehicles in coming years. Several manufacturers are still investing in better combustion engines.

MWI’s pitch is that this technology can be integrated into existing engine architecture rather than requiring an all-new approach.
[Reference Here]

The technology developed through today can be used for mass-produced engines and is patented worldwide. It significantly reduces fuel consumption and pollutant emissions in the double-digit percentage range.

The technology in this case is not intended to compete with, but to instead enhance, electro-mobility: engines are used as range extenders in today’s and future electro-vehicles. Tankers, cruise ships, aircraft, heavy trucks: combustion engines will be used in these for decades into the future. MWI supplies environmentally aware technologies for these applications.
(ht: MWI Micro Wave Ignition AG)

Making what is already very functional and good, better for the future - all existing internal combustion cars can become ... Timeless Machines.

... notes from The EDJE

TAGS: Micro Wave Ignition, fossil fuel, internal combustion engines, Wendelin Wiedeking, MWI Micro Wave Ignition AG, Armin Gallatz, Volker Gallatz, The EDJE

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